Does Red Light Therapy Increase Vitamin d

If you’re looking to increase your Vitamin D levels, look no further than red light therapy. This therapy, which delivers healing light directly to an injured or diseased area of the body, can boost your Vitamin D levels in a matter of weeks. It’s no wonder then that people who undergo regular red light therapy sessions have higher levels of vitamin D compared to people who do not undergo the treatment at all.

Our post today will cover everything you ever wanted to know about Red Light Therapy and Vitamin D. You’ll learn the top 3 sources of vitamin D. You’ll also find out whether Red Light Therapy can help you increase Vitamin D.

How Red Light Therapy Increases Vitamin D Levels in the Body

Sunlight is the best way for people to naturally produce Vitamin D in the body. However, in certain climates like those found in Canada or the northern United States, sun exposure can be rare or nonexistent during the cold months of winter. One way to combat this is through red light therapy.

Something has scientifically proven red light therapy sessions to increase Vitamin D levels in the body because they stimulate the production of Vitamin D. In fact, studies have revealed that those who routinely receive red light therapy have higher amounts of vitamin D than those who do not.

In terms of how it works, red light therapy sessions take place in a specially designed room or chamber where you are exposed to low-level red light for 15–20 minutes. Red light has a lower energy level than ultraviolet rays so it is safe for both adults and children.

In comparison, UV rays can cause burns on your skin when exposed at levels above what is recommended. At these levels, your body will produce melanin and will absorb ultraviolet B rays instead of producing vitamin D3 which absorbs ultraviolet A radiation.

On top of that, exposure to natural sunlight outdoors typically increases your risk of skin cancer compared to controlled indoor lighting. Which focuses solely on targeting healthy cells found underneath your skin’s surface layer like those in hair follicles and bones.

Why Should You Care About Your Vitamin D Levels?

Many factors make vitamin D vital. It helps regulate calcium levels in the body and contributes to bone health. Additionally, it lowers the chance of getting some malignancies. In some studies, Vitamin D has been found to reduce the risk of depression by up to 60%. And finally, Vitamin D can help you stay healthy during cold and flu season by reducing your susceptibility to these illnesses!

Vitamin D is naturally produced in the body when it is exposed to sunlight. However, many people may not get enough Vitamin D because of how often people are indoors and use sunscreen outdoors. And, during the pregnancy period, a sufficient amount of vitamin D is needed for the pregnant mother. She is also not able to take the sunlight more but rather stays indoors. In this case, red light therapy can come first to make over.

There are two types of Vitamin D – Vitamin D2 (usually found in food sources) and Vitamin D3 (produced in the skin). Vitamin D3 is more potent and healthy for bones as it helps calcium absorption.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it’s stored in the body for a long time and deficiency may take months or even years before symptoms start showing. It has been shown that Vitamin D is essential for bone growth and development, regulating cell growth and the immune system.

The statistics on vitamin D insufficiency are also not encouraging. In America, a staggering 41.6% of adults don’t receive enough, and the percentages are greater for those with darker skin: According to Forrest, 2011, 82.1% of African Americans and 69.2% of Hispanics don’t receive enough vitamin D.

The best way to combat this deficiency is by getting a little bit of sun exposure or taking Vitamin D supplements.

The Source Which Enriches With D & Improves My Vitamin D Level

Sunlight: Studies have shown that exposure to sunlight can help regulate vitamin D levels. When the sun is out and shining on you, your skin absorbs vitamin D from the sun and produces it in a form that your body can use. It’s also been found that UV rays from the sun contribute to vitamin D production as well. By exposing yourself to 20 minutes of direct sunlight each day without sunscreen, or wearing sunscreen during those 20 minutes if you’re sensitive to the sun, you can make enough vitamin D for your body’s requirements.

Food: Eating vitamin D foods can also be a good idea if you want a quick and easy way to boost your vitamin D levels. It often fortifies soy milk with D, as are some breakfast cereals. Some fish such as salmon and tuna contain high concentrations of D, as do eggs (although eggs don’t contain much).

Red Light: Research has shown that your skin produces vitamin D following exposure to sunlight. But the sun isn’t always available, and it can also be dangerous if you don’t take precautions. So sometimes it’s necessary to get your vitamin D from a different source. Red light treatment can be used in this situation and it’s the best vitamin D light. Red light therapy is a treatment that uses long wavelength light (630–680 nm) of a wavelength that’s closest to natural sunlight on the red spectrum.

Final Thoughts

Our short answer to this ” Does red light therapy increase vitamin D” question is yes. We know this because we have seen it with our own eyes and we have heard it from the satisfied people who have tried it. Red light therapy is all the rage in the health industry and there is a good reason for that. Red light treatment boosts the creation of vitamin D, which has been scientifically demonstrated to raise vitamin D levels in the body. So, finally, you may find the answer. Can you get vitamin D from led? lights, does artificial light give vitamin D?

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