Can I Use Red Light Therapy After Microneedling?

Micro needling and red light therapy are both popular non-invasive methods to smooth, brighten, and tighten the skin’s appearance. with microneedling being used as a treatment to improve fine lines and acne scars, while red light therapy can be used as an anti-aging treatment. But Can I use red light therapy after microneedling? We spoke with several experts in the field to see if this combination was safe or effective – here’s what they had to say!

If you’re considering red light therapy after micro-needling, you may be wondering if it’s safe or effective. We’ll go over what you need to know about using red light therapy after micro-needling, and whether or not you can use red light therapy after microneedling.

All you know about: Can I Use Red Light Therapy After Microneedling?

Yes, you can! Red light therapy (RLT) is a non-invasive treatment that uses low levels of red light to stimulate the skin’s natural healing processes. RLT works best when combined with micro-needling, a minimally invasive procedure that creates tiny channels in the top layer of the skin. These channels allow for greater penetration of the red light, resulting in faster wound healing and improved results.

Microneedling is a medical procedure to improve skin appearance, treat scars, and even reduce hair loss. It involves the use of a specialized derma roller. Microneedling is a form of skin stimulation that triggers new collagen production. Red light therapy is a form of light therapy used to treat everything from psoriasis to acne. So, can you use light therapy after microneedling?

The subject of whether LED light therapy should be administered to patients right away after medical needling has been raised, according to Dr. Lance Setterfield, MD. The argument used by those who are opposed to it is that inflammation has traditionally been taught to be a vital component of rejuvenation, but is this true?

Inflammation is not only not necessary but also prevents the best outcomes in embryo wound healing since it does not occur. As a result, scarring does not occur. Scar tissue develops as a result of inflammation, which is obviously undesirable. Myofibroblasts are drawn to inflammation rather than regular fibroblasts. Instead of producing typical basket-weave collagen from fibroblasts, the former produces aberrant scar tissue.

Some manufacturers have even developed 2-in-1 derma rollers, however, they are less efficient than administering the treatments one at a time. Specific hues of light must be exposed to red light therapy for a short period of time.

How Does Microneedling Work?

Microneedling is a procedure that uses a needle to create microscopic injuries on the skin by small needles. This stimulates collagen production and improves elasticity. This is done either manually or mechanically. The procedure is also known as derma rolling and skin needling. There are several microneedling benefits. The procedure can be used to treat mild burns, scars, cellulite, stretch marks, and wrinkles.

Microneedling cannot create long-term effects, so it must be repeated periodically to maintain results. Repeating microneedling sessions every six months may reduce wrinkles by up to 40%. You can use red light therapy as an adjunct treatment after microneedling.

Through the release of growth factors like vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), fibroblast and epidermal growth factor (FGF and EGF), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), and transforming growth factor, micro-needling can effectively promote controlled inflammatory and healing reactions and collagen remodeling (TGF). According to studies, VEGF is elevated following needling and is crucial for both angiogenesis and keratinocyte function.

Red Light Therapy – A Close Look at This Treatment

Red light therapy is a newer way to get glowing, acne-free skin. It was designed as an at-home treatment that combines some of the benefits of topical skincare products and dermatology treatments without any needles or downtime. The American Academy of Dermatology says that this type of treatment could be used in conjunction with other acne treatments, like micro-needling or extractions.

But if you want to use red light therapy in conjunction with your micro-needling routine, make sure you consult your physician first. It is for recommendations on how often it should be done and what dosage is appropriate for your skin type and needs.

Tips for Using Red Light after Micro Needling

Combining red light therapy with micro-needling is safe and can produce great results, but there are some precautions to keep in mind. You should know what should you not do after microneedling. The last thing you want is to add skin irritation from a long treatment session on top of any post-treatment pain that you feel from micro-needling. Read on for helpful tips for staying comfortable during these treatments together.

1) Limit your time under the lights: Always ask for suggestions about how long you should be in your chair, and don’t go over that amount of time. Too much exposure to red light can be very irritating, even if it feels amazing while you’re sitting there.

2) Make sure your skincare regimen is ready before starting: These two treatments combined require careful prepping. First, always use sunscreen when going outside before coming in for an appointment or after leaving the office following an appointment. Second, apply moisturizer prior to your first appointment so that the heat from the lights won’t dry out your skin and cause inflammation or hyperpigmentation.

3) Avoid doing during menstruation time: Because a woman’s skin could be more sensitive just before and during her periods, avoid these treatments close to menstrual cycles.

4) Keep hydrated: Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day so that you don’t get dehydrated after being exposed to both red light therapy and micro-needling. Combined, these two therapies have a lot of potential benefits for helping your body heal naturally as well as boosting collagen production.

5) Take care when making purchases: Not usually, cheaper is better. For instance, a subpar microneedle roller could result in skin discoloration or infection if the needles were made of cheap materials or if they weren’t adequately cleaned.

6) Should be avoiding time: When someone has cold sores or active acne, dermaplaning or micro-needling should be avoided.

Frequently Asked Question(FAQ)

Q: What should you not do after microneedling?

Answer: After micro-needling, it is important to not touch the face, as this can cause infection. It is also important to not expose the face to the sun, as this can cause sunburn. you should not put on makeup or skincare products for at least 12 hours. You should also not use harsh cleaners or exfoliants.

Q: How soon after micro-needling can I use red light therapy?

Answer: There is no definitive answer to this question as it will depend on the individual’s skin and the extent of the micro-needling treatment. It is advisable to wait 24-48 hours after the treatment before using red light therapy, to allow the skin to recover.

Q: Can you do micro-needling at home?

Answer: Yes. You can do micro-needling at home. All you need is a micro-needling device, which is available for purchase online or at some beauty supply stores, and some patience.

The process is relatively simple: you cleanse your face, apply a numbing cream if desired, and then glide the micro-needling device over your skin in upward strokes. Be sure to go slowly and evenly over your entire face. Afterward, apply a soothing serum or cream and wait for your skin to heal.

Q: Is microneedling before and after safe?

Answer: It makes sense that some individuals may wonder whether it’s safe to combine red light treatment with derma rolling because they both have many positive impacts on the skin and few negative consequences. Since one of these treatments promotes collagen creation and the other promotes cell growth and repair, they work well together.

Q: Does micro-needling hurt?

Answer: There is typically minimal pain associated with microneedling. Most people report feeling a slight pricking or pinching sensation. Topical numbing cream is sometimes used to further minimize any discomfort.

Final Words

Microneedling is the newest skin renewal technology that is already used in the medical field. This technology is so new that there is not much research on what can happen after.

However, there is a lot of research that shows that red light therapy is safe for use on the skin. Can I use red light therapy after micro needling?

This is a great question and one that we are often asked. If you are interested in using red light therapy after micro-needling, you may do so with caution. However, we would recommend waiting a few days after the procedure to get the most out of the treatment. We hope this helps!

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